Research Area
Flow on Watershed
물의 순환 (Hydro Cycle) 과정 중에서, 비가 내려 강으로 흘러가기 전에 산과 들에서 물이 고여 흐르는 현상과 토양 등의 침식현상을 물리학적으로 이해하고자 합니다.
On the Non-Linearity of the Catchment Instantaneous Response Function: Insights Obtained from Dynamic Wave Modeling, Paik et al., 2024, Journal of Hydrology
High Flow Prediction Model Integrating Physically and Deep Learning Based Approaches with Quasi Real-time Watershed Data Assimilation, Jeong et al., 2024, Journal of Hydrology
Flood Prediction Using Nonlinear Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph and Deep Learning: A MATLAB Program, Jeong et al., 2024, Environmental Modelling & Software
A deep learning modeling framework with uncertainty quantification for inflow-outflow predictions for cascade reservoirs, 2024,
Vinh Ngoc Tran et al., Journal of Hydrology
Effects of Soil Particle Size on Relationship Between Mound-Puddle Type Microtopography Roughness and Soil Erosion Rate on a Hillslope Basin: Hairsine–Rose Model Analysis, 2023, Kim et al., Water Resources Research
Instantaneous physical rainfall–runoff prediction technique using a power–law relationship between time to peak and peak flow of an instantaneous unit hydrograph and the rainfall excess intensity, 2023, Jeong, M. et al., Journal of Hydroinformatics
Surface Runoff Hydrograph Derivation Using a Dynamic Wave Based Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph, 2021, Jeong, M. et al., Journal of Flood Risk Management
2D GPU-accelerated high resolution numerical scheme for solving diffusive wave equations, 2019, S Park, B Kim, DH Kim,
Effects of Rainfall Spatial Distribution on the Relationship between Rainfall Spatiotemporal Resolution and Runoff Prediction Accuracy, 2018, C Kim, DH Kim, Water
Effect of rainfall spatial distribution and duration on minimum spatial resolution of rainfall data for accurate surface runoff prediction, 2018, C Kim, DH Kim, Journal of Hydro-environment Research
Hydrodynamic analysis of storm movement effects on runoff hydrographs and loop-rating curves of a V-shaped watershed, 2013, D Kim and Yongwon Seo, Water Resources Research
River Flow & Sediment Transport
하천과 호수에서 흐르는 물의 움직임을 동수역학적으로 이해하고 이를 컴퓨터 시물레이션을 이용하여 예측하는 기술을 연구하고 있습니다. 또한 물과 함께 움직이는 흙과 물질들의 이동과 이에 따른 지형변화도 관심있게 살펴보고 있습니다.
Channel Geometry Controls Downstream Lags in Sediment Rating Curves, DH Kim, K Paik, 2018, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
A sigma-coordinate transport model coupled with rotational boussinesq-type equations, 2013, Kim, Dae-Hong and Lynett, Patrick, Environmental Fluid Mechanics
Stable Numerical Model for Transcritical Flow and Sediment Transport on Uneven Bathymetry, Kim, Dae-Hong, Lee, Seung-Oh 2012, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE.
Turbulent mixing and passive scalar transport in shallow flows, Kim, Dae-Hong and Lynett, Patrick, 2011, Physics of Fluids
Dispersive and Nonhydrostatic Pressure Effects at the Front of Surge, Kim, Dae-Hong and Lynett Patrick, 2011, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
A Depth-Integrated Model for Weakly Dispersive, Turbulent, and Rotational Fluid Flows, Kim, Dae-Hong, Lynett, P., and Socolofsky, S., 2009, Ocean Modelling.
Well Balanced Scheme Between Flux and Source Terms For The Computation of Shallow-Water Equations Over Irregular Bathymetry, Kim, Dae-Hong, Cho, Yong-Sik, and Hyung-Jun Kim, 2008, Journal of Engineering Mechanics.
WAF-Type Scheme for Shallow-Water Equations with Fractional Step Method, Kim, Dae-Hong, Cho, Yong-Sik and Kim, Woo-Gu, 2004, Journal of Engineering Mechanics.
Coastal flow & Tsunamis
바다에서는 육지에서와 달리 물이 약간 복잡하게 흐르는데, 이와 같은 현상을 예측하는 기법을 연구하고 있습니다. 주로 물리와 수학을 기반으로 현상을 표현하고 컴퓨터 시물레이션을 이용하는 방법을 사용합니다.
Short-term buoyant microplastic transport patterns driven by wave evolution, breaking, and orbital motion in coast, 2024, S Kim and D Kim, Marine Pollution Bulletin
Flash Rip Current Driven Suspended Sediment Flushing Amplification in Depth-Integrated Modelling Framework, 2021, DH Kim, Advances in Water Resources
A Numerical Study of Single N-type Tsunami Drawdown Processes at a Geophysical Scale, 2021, Kyuri Kim, DH Kim, M Jeong, Applied Ocean Research
Depth-integrated modelling on onshore and offshore sandbar migration: Revision of fall velocity, DH Kim, A Sanchez-Arcilla, I Caceres, Ocean Modelling
Morphodynamic Modelling of Flash Rip Current Driven Coastal Sediment Transport, 2020, S Park, DH Kim, H Yoo, Journal of Coastal Research (SI)
Role of shelf geometry and wave breaking in single N-type tsunami runup under geophysical-scale, 2019, DH Kim, S Son, Ocean Modelling
Lagrangian-like volume tracking paradigm for mass, momentum and energy of nearshore tsunamis and damping mechanism, 2018, DH Kim, S Son, Scientific Reports
Adaptability of Suspended Sediment Transport Model for Sandbar Migration Simulation, 2018, DH Kim, B Kim, B Choi
Journal of Coastal Research (SI)
GPU-accelerated boussinesq model using compute unified device architecture FORTRAN, 2018, B Kim, C Oh, Y Yi, DH Kim, Journal of Coastal Research
Kim, Dae-Hong (2015) "H2D morphodynamic model considering wave, current and sediment interaction", Coastal Engineering
Son, Sang-Young, Lynett, Patrick, Kim, Dae-Hong (2011), "Nested and multi-physics modeling of tsunami evolution from generation", Ocean Modelling.
Lynett, P., Melby, J., and Kim, Dae-Hong (2010), "An Application of Boussinesq Modeling to Hurricane Wave Overtopping and Inundation", Ocean Engineering.
Kim, Dae-Hong, Cho, Yong-Sik, and Yi, Yong-Kon (2007), "Analysis of Propagation and Run-up of Nearshore Tsunamis with HLLC Approximate Riemann Solver", Ocean Engineering